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Industry and public entities are teaming up with i-SAFE across the globe. i-SAFE provides our prevention-oriented Internet Safety Education Program worldwide, that promotes good citizenship and facilitates government participation. Through this world-class collaboration your citizens become the recipient of this mutually beneficial relationship. The i-SAFE initiative has become a global initiative with nations around the world importing this unique program to their schools and communities – creating an international network of empowered youth.

i-SAFE is asking that you join with them on behalf of your communities and schools. Invest in your future by investing in youth! You can make a difference and provide the i-SAFE program to your community and to every classroom in your country.

By clicking the icon below you can join the global effort industry and public entities are making to keep citizens safe online!


Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) benefit everyone. A PPP ensures that students of all ages in your country will be empowered to avoid dangerous, destructive, and unlawful online behavior through i-SAFE Internet safety curriculum, even during fiscally constrained times. Industry and private entities enjoy PPPs for the additional exposure that being a good corporate citizen provides.

A comprehensive, uniform, and measurable Internet safety education strategy through a licensing agreement with i-SAFE begins with teaching young students, then building on fundamental concepts year to year. i-SAFE's exclusive assessments provide metrics to track the effectiveness of the Internet safety strategy over time.

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