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i-SAFE's commitment to Internet safety education is a global effort. Through i-SAFE International, educators around the world are now i-SAFE certified and empowered to teach their students to be safe and responsible in Cyberspace. i-SAFE lessons engage and empower students through active participation and a variety of learning modalities to promote acquisition of knowledge, analysis of online behaviors, construction of solutions to Internet safety problems and issues, and involvement in the spread of Internet safety concepts to others. i-SAFE is unique in that it creates a continuum of Internet safety awareness by connecting the child's main support areas of home, school, community, and friends. i-SAFE's entire world class curriculum can be localized through a licensing agreement.

A comprehensive, uniform, and measurable Internet safety education strategy begins with teaching young students, then building on fundamental concepts year to year. The 120 age-appropriate lesson plans are central to your district's or country's strategy. Finally, i-SAFE's exclusive assessments provide metrics to track the effectiveness of the Internet safety strategy over time.

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