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Agreement And Terms of Use

I understand/certify/agree, on behalf of myself and any public or private organization/agency/entity to which I belong or represent, that:

  1. i-SAFE materials (i.e., its copyrighted programmatic assets including i-LEARN International training modules) will not be sold or resold, demonstrated, or copied into any format and will not be accessed, viewed or used for any purpose other than determining whether or not to license them from i-SAFE; and
  2. The name(s), initials, and/or trademark(s) of i-SAFE will not be used prior to consulting with i-SAFE and obtaining i-SAFE’s written authorization.
I also understand and agree that access to i-SAFE materials is not intended, and should not be construed, to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or otherwise.

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